As we celebrate today the feast of the Holy Trinity, the lectionary invites us to listen again to the story of creation, when God “fathered” the whole earth. You may remember that, during Lent, we already spent some time on the book of Genesis, and we talked about how this book was born during a…
Day of Pentecost (A) – Acts 2: 1-21; 1 Corinthians 12: 3-13; John 20: 19-23
Last week during our conversation after the service, we talked about the Creeds. One of the things we said that is important to notice is that our articles of faith, summarized in the Creeds, are always based on the Scriptures, they are always based on the story. And so, instead of being there to tell…
Easter 7 (A) – 1 Peter 4: 12-14; 5: 6-11; John 17: 1-11
As we have started to do regularly on the 3rd Sunday of the month, we will have today another rite of healing, and I am glad that we have some readings today that help us explore what this means for us, I am thinking specifically about this passage from 1 Peter’s that we have just…
Easter 6 (A) – John 14: 15-21
This week, we continue to hear from what we call the “Farewell Discourse” in John’s Gospel, the last words spoken by Jesus to his disciples, and we pick up exactly where we left off. If you remember, we talked last time about how Jesus, as he is about to leave this world, focuses on reassuring…
Easter 5 (A) – John 14: 1-14
This passage we have heard today is taken from what we have come to call “The Farewell Discourse“, this long conversation in John’s Gospel that Jesus has with his disciples right before being arrested and put to death (chapters 14-17). Of course, everything that Jesus said during his life is very important, but one can’t…
Easter 3 (A) – Luke 24: 13-35
On the Sundays after Easter, we get to read from several passages of the Gospel that are like “snapshots” of the Resurrection: We are told of the experience of the disciples, the eleven and others, at different times, places and how they came to have an encounter with the Risen Christ. But one of the…
Easter 2 (A) – 1 Peter 1: 3-9; John 20: 19-31
You may already know that the Sunday after Easter is also called “Low Sunday” as in “Low attendance Sunday“, I guess because everybody is tired after all the churchy things going on during Holy week and Easter! It’s usually the time when the priests, if they have an assistant or a seminarian, would ask them…
Easter Sunday (A) – Matthew 28: 1-10
I had time on my own this past week and I took this opportunity to read, to binge read to be precise, a novel a friend of mine let me borrow from her. Not just a novel but a thriller actually, kind of a gruesome story to say the least, and yet, as those stories…
Maundy Thursday (A) – John 13: 1-17, 31b-35
“Before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father…“ One of the distinctive features of John’s Gospel is that we always meet a Jesus who is fully aware of what’s going on around him. Many times in this book, we see…
Lent 5 (A) – Ezekiel 37: 1-14
This Sunday, we’re finishing up with our Lenten exploration of some passages of the Old Testament (next week is already Palm Sunday), and today we have a lesson from the Book of the prophet Ezekiel. Prophecy is a strange word for us, but still not unfamiliar: don’t we hear ever so often about “the prophecies…