If you were at church last week, you probably have noticed the stark contrast we have between the Gospel we have heard then and the passage we have today: From the mountaintop and the glory of the Transfiguration to the wilderness, where we encounter a famished and exhausted Jesus. But we’re actually reading backwards: If…
Last Sunday of Epiphany – A Faithless and Perverse Generation (Luke 9:28-43 a)
Today is the Last Sunday after the Epiphany and, as it is the use, we hear the story of the Transfiguration. There are actually two ways of looking at this story, and the lectionary gives us the option to do either one of them: We can, if you will, read the “theatrical version”, the short…
Epiphany 7 – Love your enemy (Luke 6: 27-38)
So it does not get any easier, does it? At least, that could be our first thought when we hear this passage from the Gospel we have heard today. We started reading last week from “Luke’s beatitudes”, and we learned how Jesus asked his disciples to accept to become poor and hungry, sad and rejected…
Epiphany 6 – Luke’s Beatitudes (6: 17-26)
I guess there’s a good chance that when you heard the Gospel this morning, you immediately thought to yourself: Oh we know this one, and then realized suddenly that no, maybe not, or at least that the text sounded different from how you remembered it. Well, there is a good reason for that. The passage…
The Conversion of St Paul – Acts 26: 9-21, Galatians 1: 11-24
So I thought we would take a break from the lectionary to celebrate today the conversion of St Paul which feast day is on January 25th. It seems actually very fitting to celebrate Paul’s conversion during our season of the Epiphany, since even when we know very little about the man, most of us have…
Epiphany 2, The wedding at Cana – John 2:1-11
It’s funny because this past week someone here, knowing I grew up in the Catholic Church, asked me if I missed anything about Catholicism and it made me pause because it’s not a question I am often asked, but I had to respond that for me, quite evidently, I missed Mary and I missed the…
Epiphany 1, The Baptism of Our Lord – Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
This Sunday is the First Sunday after the Epiphany, and as we have followed the stories of Jesus’s birth and Jesus’s growing up, we finally find ourselves at the beginning of Jesus’s ministry or, rather, right before Jesus starts his ministry, when Jesus meets John in the wilderness and receives from him his baptism. We…
Christmas II – Collect of the Day
Today is the Second Sunday after Christmas, it concludes the season of Christmas and it also anticipates the beginning of the season of Epiphany, which will start tomorrow, on January 6th, but already we have heard the famous story of the wise men visiting Jesus in Bethlehem. When we think about the Christmas season, what…
Christmas I – Luke 2:1-20
But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. If you were here two days ago, we asked together this question of how do we know all these details concerning Jesus’s childhood, after all the disciples weren’t there yet, probably weren’t even born when it all started, even for John the Baptist….
Advent 4C – Luke 1: 39-55
As we’re getting so close to Christmas Day, we hear today this passage known as “The Visitation”: pregnant Mary paying a visit to her pregnant cousin Elizabeth. Which is kind of weird if you want my opinion, because these two past weeks we have heard John the Baptist, a full grown up man, preaching in…