You are probably quite familiar now with the lectionary, our cycle of readings throughout the liturgical year. We read according to a cycle of three year, each time focusing on one of the Gospels: Year A is for Matthew, Year B is for Mark, Year C is for Luke. And John’s Gospel is spread out…
Lent 2B: Notes for a Sermon on Mark 8:31-38
We’ve heard this passage of the Gospel only a few months ago…We had Matthew’s version, but Matthew’s and Mark’s narratives are quite similar. I may repeat some of the things that have already been said, it’s such an important passage of the Gospel though. We’re in the middle of the book and we find ourselves…
Lent 1B: Notes for a Sermon on Genesis 9: 8-17
We enter this time of Lent, the first Sunday in Lent, with the story of Noah, or rather with the end of the story of Noah. It is quite a long story: it starts in Chapter 6 in Genesis and it is developed through chapter 9, a chapter which will close with the fate of…
Epiphany 5B: Notes for a Sermon on Mark 1:29-39
For those of you who had an opportunity to read our past weeks sermons, we continue today in the First Chapter of Mark where the evangelist starts introducing, little by little, his characters: Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, James and John. But as you can imagine, it’s not only about the disciples, what Mark…
Epiphany 4B: Notes for a Sermon on Mark 1:21-28
We are still in the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel today, right after Jesus has called his first disciples. They have started to follow him and they arrive together in Capernaum, which his the place where Jesus had his home, at least for a while. Now the passage we have today is quite dramatic. Jesus…
Epiphany 3B: Notes for a Sermon on Mark 1:14-20
The Gospel we have heard this morning is about the call of the disciples: First come Simon and Andrew. We know that Jesus will rename Simon “Peter”. It’s important to notice that Simon comes first because we believe that Mark was Peter’s companion and that his Gospel is mainly made from Peter’s memories. We also…
Epiphany 2B: Notes for a Sermon on John 1:43-51
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (…)And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Most of us are quite familiar with the beginning of John’s Gospel,a beautiful passage we always read solemnly of Christmas Dayand the first Sunday after Christmas.We read…
Epiphany of Our Lord – Matthew 2: 1-23
As we celebrate today the feast of the Epiphany, we are invited to hear once again the story of the Magi, the wise men from the East coming to visit Jesus at his birth in Bethlehem. This year though, I wanted for us to do things a bit differently, rather than following the lectionary that…
Christmas Eve – Luke 2: 1-20
I admit I have to smile this year when reading anew the Gospel for Christmas Eve! We have talked so much during Advent about how we were in a season of planning, of preparation, how we were supposed to be alert, ready for the Lord’s coming…and so tonight I can’t help but smile at the…
Advent 3(B) – Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Canticle 15; John 1:6-8, 19-28
I am often asked the meaning of the pink candle on the Advent wreath: “What does it stand for?” or “When are we to light it?” so you may know by now that the pink candle represents Joy. In some churches, all the linens including the priest’s stole are changed to pink for the occasion…